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Upcoming Activities of MAFUN and its member organizations
The Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples (MAFUN/YAFUP), The Union of Finnish Kindred Peoples' Associations in Finland Susu ry. and Student Club of Finnish and Finno-Ugric Linguistics Siula ry., in co-operation with the Department of Finno-Ugric Linguistics of the University of Helsinki arrange
the International Finno-Ugric Students' ConferenceIFUSCO XVIIIin Helsinki, September 11-15, 2002
Papers not longer than 15 minutes concerning Uralic peoples, languages, folklore, literature, fine arts, ethnology, history, archaeology, politics, jurisdiction, sociology, information, environment or other disciplines.
The official languages of the Conference are all Uralic languages. The papers may be presented in any Uralic languages, or in another language if the presenter expresses that wish.
Those participating the conference should register by April, 30. The abstracts of the papers to be presented should be sent by May, 31. Abstracts should be written in a Uralic language. The model of the abstract is given below.
The participation fee for the citizens of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, Canada and the United States is 50 euros, for the citizens of other countries 25 euros. Hotel accommodation will be arranged for the additional fee of 75 euros.
Applications and abstracts of papers to be presented should be sent to the address [email protected]. Additional information is also available from the same address.
Welcome to Helsinki!
Full name Date of birth Citizenship Number of passport (those who need visa) University and Department Address Fax
Native language Other language skills Diet Arrival date to Helsinki (if not Sep, 11) I want to book hotel accommodation for 75 euros (not for citizens of Russia)
Title of the paper Language Full name University or department
Abstract should be no longer than 2500 characters. Please send the abstracts in rtf-form. If that is not possible, send the abstract printed on paper or neatly written in print. Do not put pictures, charts or tables in the abstract. Abstracts should be sent by May, 31, 2002
Address: IFUSCO Suomalais-ugrilainen laitos PL 25 00531 Helsinki